”  TRUST  “

by Kenny Fedder

Let’s pause for just a moment and think about that word.

Of all the words we use today, it’s one that’s seldom heard.

Ever walk along a sidewalk or through a parking lot.

And there’s a coin in front of you, you see it so you stop?

Then reaching down to pick it up, you look upon it’s face.

” In God we trust “engraved on it, says something of the place.

In which we live and spend our days, the freedoms that we share.

But freedom always has a cost, some burdens we must bare.

Our nation made a brave first step, where God became a part.

Looking inside our founders thoughts, there’s words from Gods own heart.

Those promises and rights we have are meant to set us free.

Free from fear to live our lives, with dreams we hope to see.

From when we first believed in Christ, our faith in Him has grown.

And as faith builds it forms a trust, so doubts begin to go.

We have His promise to be there and never leave our side.

He says do not be anxious, His promise to provide.

He suffered and He died for us, the burden for new birth.

Our value in creation says He knows what we are worth.

He knows our needs before we ask, yet wants to hear our voice.

He loves and cares so much for us, time for some to make a choice.

Whom will you love and live for, then help His kingdom grow.

There’s land to till, preparing hearts, with seeds we need to sow.

Just like our nations hallowed halls, there’s burden we must bare.

Walk in the steps of Jesus, His message we must share.

And trust the One who’s worthy, shed all our doubt and fears.

Believe Christ and His promises and wipe away those tears.

Trust reveals an undeniable and tested, proven space.

With reliance and dependence on Gods unfailing grace.