”  Coming Home  “

By Kenny Fedder

There’s a special place in heaven, where bells chime everyday.

They sound just like a beating heart, a familiar place to stay.

They’ve all come home to be at rest, by following the light.

You see, their lives were all cut short, yet precious in Gods sight.

No sins had they committed, while they were on the earth.

No names were given to them, for none were given birth.

Those little ones have entered in, to gates held open wide.

Now sheltered in the arms of love, brought to our Saviors side.

Unwanted, so they suffered pain, from no guilt of their own.

Bodies discarded, torn apart, have finally found a home.

And I believe it’s all brought forth, because of human pride.

God over there in perfection, us on the other side.

The world believes in their own strength, intelligence and will.

Somehow they have the right to do, what evil minds instill.

However we’re not animals, we have God given rights.

The unborn baby is a child, not a fetus with no sight.

What grows inside a women’s womb is not apart of herself.

It’s a living growing human, not stem cells on a shelf.

So on they go with covered ears and eyes all closed so tight.

While the child living inside the womb, cannot put up a fight.

Listen to the voice of God, they’re not nostalgic words.

Humans are special in His sight, we do not live in herds.

Tiny sparks that could have been, go skyward in the night.

While Christians stand with folded hands and pray for what is right.

Not only for the unborn child, we pray for all mankind.

To understand the worth of life, the heart of God to find.