by Kenny Fedder

Hope is a yearning deep within, when faith is at its base.

Prayer is our way to give God thanks, for helping us run the race.

It’s another way to realize just who is in control.

Who’s the one that we depend on, to understand our role.

See, we’re the ones who need Gods grace, He has no needs of His own.

And the minute we comprehend that, we’re one step closer home.

He made us in His likeness, not a glimpse of being the same.

A minuscule, down sized version, an ember from the flame.

But able to grasp the depths of life, we reason and we speak.

The final crown of all His works, we are creations peak.

While weaving works of majesty, we became His final seam.

Free will humans given a chance, to wish and hope and dream.

Yet God still knows us deep inside, our every thought and scheme.

So being honest to our Lord, is harder than it seems.

He knows the contents of our hearts, what really is our need?

So while in prayer He’ll speak to us or plant some tiny seeds.

Praying is communication, which is a two way street.

Like meeting again, a loving friend, we always hug and greet.

Then thank them for the days gone by and what they mean to you.

Before we ever make requests or ask what they can do.

Renewing our love for each other, is a real good place to start.

We have so much to thank Him for, so speak straight from your heart.

Then comes our needs and our requests, just remember that He knows.

But wants to hear your voice again, that’s how a friendship grows.