The One that brings us together, the One who’s in control.

And, because we have free will, we’re always on parole.

With His grace to cover failures, for what we say and do.

We should not take advantage of our Lord, who is the glue.

He holds us firmly united, with wounded body and blood.

Running through our veins forever, for He cleansed us with a flood.

Washing out our dirt and stains, so we may be renewed.

Gone forever from His sight, not for others to review.

Race alone can’t bind us together, nor ever tear us apart.

It’s the love that Jesus gave us, for others in our hearts.

Sure appears the devil’s smiling, at all this rage and fear.

And our cries of pain and sorrow, are music to his ears.

But years ago, he also smiled, when our Lord was on the cross.

Yet, what brought joy to his face, was counted as a loss.

Our nations never been flawless, created by human minds.

But hearing the founding fathers speak, Gods influence we can find.

It’s not a perfect union and never claimed to be.

Still with all man’s efforts in the past, it’s the best in history.

Our Lord creates the perfect union, as we become His bride.

United in true marriage, hand in hand and side by side.