” If Not For You “

By Kenny Fedder

We’d never known the difference, between the right and wrong.

Or felt the joy within our heart, while singing that worship song.

And learning to be a parent, by watching it all first hand.

Seeing the direction to follow, by your footsteps in the sand.

When to be quiet, when to speak, while listening to a friend.

Understanding the source of love and how it never ends.

When to stand for what is right and why you hold your ground.

Hearing different opinions, listening not making a sound.

Those family and friends we learned from, through all the ups and downs.

The what to do and how to act, cause life’s a merry go round.

Them twists and turns we don’t expect, all come right into play.

Some we can’t do nothing about, so it’s what we do and say.

They touched our lives and filled our days, with skills passed on to them.

The common sense they taught us, their kindness through thick and thin.

We’d never know the love of God or ever learn to pray.

Just how to ask for forgiveness, for what we do or say.

Learning to treat all mankind, by character, not by skin.

And going through the process is more important than the win.

So our minds have grown in knowledge, our hearts have filled with love.

Influenced by so many, with the guidance from above.