“  LOST and FOUND “

By Kenny Fedder

Ever wondered what’s your purpose or why you’re even here.

In the midst of grief and sorrow, the middle of pain and fear.

Don’t care about where you’re going, not reflecting where you’ve been.

It’s all a mix of blacks and grays and you can’t remember when.

You met someone who really cared enough to wipe your tears.

In the corner of a bedroom, where you’ve tried to hide for years.

As you look into a mirror, there’s no one there to see.

Nothing that has ever been or ever hoped to be.

It’s this lost and lonely feeling, that brings people to their knees.

Believing that nobody cares, while their broken heart says please.

Some may look and see the signs, but don’t know what to say.

Others will gently grab their hand and help them find their way.

People need other people to simply listen while they talk.

Someone to answer questions , as they first begin to walk.

Be the light they need to see, that points them to the way.

That’s full of peace and comfort, a purpose for each day.

At times in life God places us, in front of someone that’s in need.

You feel the urge to step right up, it’s a push that we must heed.

To be a special witness, to help them climb that wall.

He’s placed you there to be a bridge, so answer to the call.

Bring them near the One who suffered, bring them closer to the cross.

Where His journey was fulfilled on earth, for the troubled and the lost.

Then the climax of His coming, was the scene of the empty grave.

The ultimate gift of life from death, for the world He came to save.