” The Great I Am”

“ The Great I Am”

by Kenny Fedder

The great “I am” created life, from nothing but His will.
Prior to universe formations, it all was dark and still.
He first created angels, to serve and worship them.
Yet the brilliance and their glory was small compared to Him.
Their purpose was to praise His name and worship at His sight.
To sing and proclaim His Holiness, His power and His might.
Hallelujahs to the great “I am,” give honor to His name.
Hallelujahs to the great “I am” His world shall prove His fame.
A world to reflect His glory, His splendor and His beauty,
To create a place of grandeur, to show His majesty.
Before the universe was formed, before earths story began.
From the center of the Firmament the Father had a plan.
While the world was void and without form with darkness everywhere,
The Word moved over the waters and the Spirit filled the air.
Then they put the plan in motion, by calling forth the light.
For it would show His holiness, His majesty and might.
His Holy Light pierced the dark, proclaiming day and night.
Brought forth the element of time, gave all He’ll make clear sight.
Then in the midst of open space, with waters all around,
He brought all the waters together and then called up the ground.
Made vegetation on the earth, trees with fruit and plants with seeds
For then His world could reproduce, His vision they could feed.
Moon and bright stars to rule the night, the sun to warm the day
They smiled and knew it all was good, yet moved right on they say
“Let’s make creatures to live in waters and birds to fill the sky.
Then every beast to roam the land, they have food to multiply.”                                            Oh, one more thing was left to do, before their works completion.
They made man in their likeness to rule their new creation.
Yes, you and I were next to breath and manage what they’d done.
Then the Father took sometime to rest, with Holy Spirit and Son.
For they created all of life, to sustain new life to come
And knew it all was very good, the total was the sum.
Of a world of awe and wonder with beauty everywhere.
From the splendor of our eyes that see, to our lungs that breath the air.
White mountain peaks, high in the sky, then ocean depths of wonder                                 Clouds in the sky to bring us rain, the lightning and roars of thunder
With gravity to hold us safe, we orbit here in space
A world that’s full of color, we have the perfect place                                                               Our world shows the work of His hands and proves how great He is.
The complexity of all creation, cries out that He exists
And if we do not praise His name, may the very rocks cry out
May mountains speak of His majesty, while oceans roar and shout.
Give glory to the great “ I am,” may all earth praise His name.
Give Honor to the great “ I am,” our world proclaims His fame.
The great “I am” is three in one, the blessed trinity.
The Word who gave His life for us, the Spirit plants the seed
And our Holy Almighty Father completes the deity.
While their Majesty in nature is here for all to see.
Use your voice to thank Him now, for all He’s done for you.
Then live a life of gratitude, which says I love you too.
He made us for relationships, with Himself and with each other.
Grace given and grace accepted, to us from our Savior.
We have a gift so undeserved and joy that fills our heart.
Go share that love with someone else and help ignite the spark.
That will change their lives forever, with everlasting love.
From our Creator, Lord and Savior, who reigns in Heaven above.
Let the heaven’s ring, the saints all sing, Praise to the great “I am.”
Let all the earth sing, the saved proclaim, great is His Holy Name.